Transformation and optimization of administrative processes

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  • Transformation and optimization of administrative processes
Transformação e Otimização de Processos administrativos


With the enforcement of active methodologies, empowerment and interaction of the business team, we identify improvement opportunities to transform and optimize the processes, increasing your productivity in a simple, structured way and guaranteeing sustainable results.

Respecting each company's culture, we interact with the teams in order to share our knowledge so that they can continue the work carried out, guaranteeing sustainability and the mindset of continuous improvement.


  • Active methodology for mapping processes;
  • Activity level detailing;
  • Effort data collection;
  • Identification of opportunities for productivity improvements and process transformation.

Effort balancing

  • Database with information on the mapped processes;
  • View of effort by process, person and product;
  • Balancing the workload across teams;
  • Calculation of productivity with application of improvements.

Process Redesign

  • Mapped improvements application for future process design;
  • Calculation and adequacy of the new structure;
  • Support in the implementation of the new process;
  • Measurement and monitoring of results.

Workshop Lean Office

  • Active Methodology to empower the team in Lean Office and continuous improvement;
  • Problems identification and process redesign;
  • Alignment of the method to be used in the consultancy.


New Areas Creation

We establish a purpose, objectives, goals and expected results, as well as products and services that will be delivered. Based on these definitions, we build the processes and leverage, at each stage, the necessity of effort, systems and equipment utilization to define the necessary structure, with balanced charts of resources and people. The control plans, operational indicators, customer relationship models and routine management are also defined.
In some cases, we create 3D simulation models for analysis of scenarios that facilitate decision-making. We plan and implement processes in an administrative area, a logistics warehouse or even a complete factory; from receiving materials, storage, production planning, inventory sizing, factory layout, MOD sizing and delivery to the customer.
