Optimization of Logistics Processes

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Otimização de  Processos Logísticos

The processes' optimization is carried out together with the clients: we evaluate and define the objectives to be achieved and plan the projects, tools and technologies to be implemented and used.

The process begins with applications of simpler tools for organizing and rationalizing movement flows and, as necessary, we deepen these concepts with techniques such as: Statistical Studies, Modeling, Processes Simulation, Operational Research and algorithms development that uses real-time data for analysis and decision-making.

Some optimization of logistics processes examples:

Reduction of Transport Costs

  • Reduction of loading times
  • Fleet Sizing
  • Route optimization

MOD and Resource Optimization

  • Scaling the workload
  • Travel reduction
  • Separation time reduction

Inventory Sizing

  • Inventory sizing based on the analysis of historical data on consumption, movement and demand projections
  • Definition of the economic lot, order point and security

Layout Definition

  • Layout studies based on historical data, future projections and statistical analysis of picking orders.