Process Management

Before we talk about Process Management itself, we need to know what a process so we can discuss the definition, implementation mode and impacts of the Processes Management.


Process is a set of actions and related activities that are performed to achieve a predefined product, result or service, is nothing more than a sequence of steps of ordered steps that together result in the realization of a service or the production of a product. That is, organizational processes are sets of activities performed by people or equipment that involves the transformation of inputs to meet a specific objective.

Process x Project

It is very common for people to confuse the concept of process with that of project. According to the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) best practice guide, a project is a temporary effort undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Projects and operations differ primarily in the fact that projects are temporary and exclusive, while operations are continuous and repetitive. That is, projects have a defined beginning and end and must deliver something new in the end, after all, a project is created so that the future state is different from the current one. Processes are continuous and can be defined as a set of activities sequenced and executed with the objective of achieving a result that generates value, whether for a client or for another process.

Processes can be divided into:
Primary processes: they are fundamental processes for the organization and add value to the
Support Processes: are support processes that add value to other
processes (primary or support);
Management Processes: they add value to other
processes and direct and control the business
Once we understand what processes are, we can move on to the topic of the article itself:
Processes management. It is a concept that aims to optimize the results of an organization by improving business processes.

Process Management


It's through process management that we are able to integrate activities from different areas, teams and systems, optimizing the work of an entire organization. It is an alternative to the traditional practice of companies to manage by departments and sectors that is being increasingly popularized since, nowadays, the activities are hardly carried out by a single area or a single group of people, on the contrary, we have the involvement of several sectors.
Process Management works with the aim of reviewing, improving and standardizing operations, ensuring the effective participation of those involved (regardless of the hierarchical level) and promoting commitment to service quality.


There are different methodologies to organize which are the phases of implementation of the Process Management, however, in general, we were able to divide this cycle into six stages:
1. Planning: In this first step, the set of activities involved in the processes, what is the objective of the process and what is its relationship with the strategy of the company. At this stage, it is important to apply the Value Chain methodology, because with it we managed to structure all the activities developed by the companies, aiming to guarantee the maximum quality of service and product to the final customer, in addition to creating competitive advantage in the market.
2. Mapping: In this step, all the company's processes are mapped. First, the processes are prioritized to direct which ones to start the mapping. To carry out the mapping, the company can use some tools, such as BPM (Business Process Mapping), that consists of a tool for mapping the activities necessary for the delivery of a product/service. In this mapping, important information can be identified about each activity, such as the time required to complete the activity, what resource does it, what system is used, and whether the activity adds value, is incidental or waste, among other information. Process mapping is important for data collection, process knowledge and improvement survey.
3. Design and Simulations: After designing the current flow (As Is), we identify all the opportunities for improvement and then we design the future flow (To Be).
4. Execution: Based on the experience gained in the simulation, the necessary adjustments are made and the process begins to be exercised.
5. Monitoring: New processes need to be monitored frequently through performance indicators previously defined in the planning. This phase is very important to know if the defined objectives are actually achieved by the processes carried out.
6. Improvements and Optimizations: Processes must be continuously monitored and problematized, because analyzing the indicators of the previous stage we are able to identify if the objectives are being reached and what are the main bottlenecks of the process. So it is at this stage that the continuous improvement of the processes occurs.


It is important to emphasize that the work of Process Management is never finished. these 6 stepsT mentioned form a kind of cycle that is always in motion, making it fundamental, as it allows the company to:
Implement routines that promote the standardization of activities;
Facilitate the relationship between different sectors of the company;
Minimize errors and implement constant improvements in your activities.
Facilitate the planning and monitoring of company processes;
Grant simplicity, speed to activities and flexibility;
Facilitate management through performance indicators;
Provide operational cost reduction
Provide product improvement
Achieve organizational goals
Gain productivity
Gain efficiency
So, in conclusion, Process Management creates a competitive differential for the business, because if your company's processes are not properly managed, there will be a negative impact on delivery to the consumer.
With Process Management it is easier for the company to guarantee continuous improvement, which aims to improve each process to achieve even better results. It is extremely important that the processes are periodically reviewed in search of better results, innovations and not just stop to look at them when they have a problem.
